
Become part of the prestigious sport of polo. As a member of Nairobi Polo Club you enjoy access to the club house and facilities, free entry to tournaments and special events, invitations to social events and regular updates about the wonderful world of polo.

We also enjoy reciprocal arrangements with Inanda Polo Club in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Nairobi Polo Club offers a number of membership options:

Playing Member

2022 Subscription
85,000 KES

Joining Fee
194,250 KES

Junior Playing Member

Playing 2
2022 Subscription
27,500 KES

Joining Fee

Stick & Ball Member

2022 Subscription
27,500 KES

Joining Fee
35,000 KES

Social Member

2022 Subscription
15,000 KES

Joining Fee
35,000 KES

Temporary, family, up country and overseas memberships are also available.

To join, contact the Secretary or fill out the membership form and submit it to